Bright Moon - a land sullied by mystery and the ravaging scars of a terrible fire. Abandoned as a pack land for years, the terra has been used as a gathering place for the brazen and bloodthirsty drawn there by the lingering pall of death. Yet from the ashes there comes an unordained phoenix, the rainbow hues of hope glinting in her mismatched globes. Through the obsidian drapes obscuring the scenery, she alone was able to catch the perfumed aroma of new life on the breeze and hear the sluggish streams flowing ever swifter into the morning.

Thus, with a purpose, she set out to map the incognita, discovering daily the extent of the reawakening and unearthing within herself a desire to return the landscape to its former glory. Now she stands tall as privileged Alpha of the lands, lording over the rock-strewn prairie and bountiful forests with a firm but gentle paw.

Having finally realized her deepest longing to be a queen, Satowra is focused solely on the revival and maintenance of the Bright Moon Pack. Her question to each prospective warrior that comes to the border is simple:

"Do you have what it takes?"



Be careful of what you touch lest the grave be what you lust

The King snarled, a vicious sound full of threats of harm and injury, a reverberating vocal attack that would have sent most scampering backward for fear for their lives. Then again, the wolves who did not know Kershov himself often feared him anyway - and rightly so. He was the Ice King, the tyrannical general of Abendrot once upon a time, with a beast within that was hardly able to be kept caged up which was raging right beneath the surface, jaws snapping, wet with frothed saliva. He was a warrior who knew no bounds when it came to war and manipulation. But Athene moved not a single inch. He would not harm her, at least not physically. And she would not leave until she said everything that she wanted to. So she remained still until he calmed, unblinking, unflinching.

And then he asked why she had come here… Could he not guess? There were many reasons to list, and yet did he still have not a single inkling as to any of them? All he had to do was stick out his paw and grab a single reason from those scattered on the floor in front of him. She was here because he had demanded that the pack punish him via torture. She was here because one of their pups was dead, essentially by her hand and her reasoning. She was here because he had never come to her again after the last night they had lain together, when their two pups had been created. She was here because she had never said ‘thank you’ for saving their daughter from the vampiric turds down in Caidir Olc. So sure, those were the big reasons... but it wasn’t as simple as all that. She had to explain to him that although as alpha yes, his word was law, but as alpha he was also above the law. And yes, a good alpha led by example, but he had given the role of prosecutor, judge, and jury to the voice of one little girl, without any actual proof and had then demanded the punishment allotted him. And so Athene had every intent of winding back time and filling in the gaps that should have been filled in before. And as much as she hated to admit it, she needed comfort for Sergei‘s death, and her body, as much as I did not wish to, craved his.

I am here because you and I have both been fools
And also because we lost our son in the midst of the Trial‘s duels.
I am here to convince you of your innocence
And into your thick skull I hope to knock some sense.

The colors in the coats of Briseis‘ offspring
Do not from the furs of yours or hers readily ping.
And if what she claims was really to be true
Do you not think that she would flee and find a pack anew?

You said she was the servant of a vampire…
Did it ever cross your mind that she could be a liar?
Perhaps not voluntarily, but it is possible she was forced.
I hear they have a way of making other wolves easily coerced.

And an investigation is needed, and I shall be the head
I’ll interrogate the witnesses and follow the path wherever I am led.
Across boundaries and free lands, into the other packs
It is my intent that within the next few moons you’ll have the evidence you currently lack.

Her vocals were cold, calculated, and monotone. Never before had she been so disappointed in him as she had been at the pack meeting, when he had condemned himself based off of so little. She had made her thoughts clear at the pack meeting, or so she thought, and while she had essentially been forced to hold her tongue for the second half of it, it had only been out of whatever of respect remained for Kershov. But now that they were alone, and since her words would not be seeing as insubordination, she let everything run loosely, without reining it in at all. But now her tone softened, as much as she did not wish to as she change the conversation to the topic of the Trials. She had seen the way that Kershov had reacted, barely saying a single word to his daughter before he had left. It had been hard on Athene too - both of her pups had been taught and told about the Trials from the time their ears could process sound. But it had seemed that only one of them had truly taken their teachings to heart. They had been released at different parts in the woods, forced to track each other down. At first, each pup had seemed amused, like it was still all a game, but as soon as they found each other and came face-to-face, a realization had come over Gwyneira, one that failed to come over Sergei until it was too late. But Gwyn had played the role of the ultimate manipulator – she had wagged her tail, lolled her tongue, until she had gone in close to him, allowing her quiet countenance to put him at ease until her tiny, sharp puppy teeth had landed a hard blow upon his shoulder, ripping away flesh and sinew and muscle. Sergei had cried out, and it had been at that moment that Athene had seen the realization in his own eyes - that this was no longer a game, and it would not be fun. Neither would walk away from the battle unscathed - even the victor would be scarred deeply. And the loser? Well… obviously the loser could not walk away at all…

I did try to explain to you what the Trials were
And did not at all mean to under false pretenses lure.
It is shocking, I know, especially the first time you see it
But even after all these generations, the tradition has never quit.

I must admit though, it was different for me this time
It put into my mouth a taste as bitter as a lime
Many times have I been to contenders a teacher, a mentor
But this was the first time ever that the relationship was as ‘mother’.

Before… Before I always understood that it had to be done
To protect the strength and aptitude of the pack, never for fun
But now confusion has set in and Sergei I will surely miss
For he showed just as much promise as did ever his sis.

By now, her alto vocals had dropped to a near whisper, and she turned away from him, hiding the pain in her eyes. It was not a reaction she had ever expected to have – mourning the loss of the pups who were killed. But more than that, she had never expected emotions to spill through, not like this. And when her face finally did swivel back, moments later, perhaps long minutes had passed, and all of the emotion had been pushed down and had been replaced with need. There was nothing she could do now about the Trials - they were done, they were over. Gwyneira would survive as she herself had, as her sister Hellene had, as countless other pups had, and would be stronger for it. The cost was steep, yes, but the warrior that Gwyn would become would be worth the loss. But for now? For now, Athene needed something to soothe her pain. But before she did, there was one last thing that needed to be addressed.

It did not escaped my notice that there were innumerable litters sired by you
As I told you before you are quite the specimen, but still I expected only one or two.
I am all for genetic evolution by selection and pairing of parents with excellent genes,
But if we are to ever reproduce again there will be discussion as to the means.

Athene paused - there was something she wished to keep hidden for every time she had opened her heart up, she had been hurt or betrayed. But she had been gone from her parents’ pack long enough for her ideology to soften enough, to be malleable enough to see some reason. But in her twisted logic, she saw the path to love like a highly complex battle of war - there could and would be no victory without pain and suffering and losses. And victory was always worth it in the end.

So that we have a clear understanding of what it is I mean to say
It is within your den that I believe is where every night I should lay.
Were you to agree I would have you frolic with no more sluts from now on
It would be only with me you would spend your time from dusk until dawn.

But as I said your genetics are select and I am a reasonable lass
I’d allow the mating with a single other femme when winters come to pass
I would want to know who and I would want to know when
So that I would have plenty of time to clear out from the den.

Tell me know if the proposition I have laid forth interests you at all
I am open to negotiating – allow the ideas from your lips to fall.
And of course we must talk too about everything else I said
All must be done before our eyes close and we lay to rest our heads.

|| BELONGS TO HERSELF || Gwyneira, Bellerophon, Gwenllian, Sergei || Uyaraut ||


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