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frac/ture ; a semi-realistic wolf rpg

crack, deepen, delve, divide & reveal who you are inside..FRAC/TURE; a semi-realistic wolf rpgFracture is a play-by-post roleplay game that is centered around the lives of wolves who have lived all their life in a dark chasm. Their societies are centered around the fact that they live below the surface where the world is vastly different than the foreign one up above. How will they adjust when the daredevils, the outcasts, and the bored desire to finally reach the surface? Will it be all that the hopeful ones wished for? Or will their lofty dreams turn into reality's nightmares?

▸ An open + welcoming community that values the comraderie that can be forged through a shared interest
▸ Room for growth in an ever-evolving world that changes as you and your characters shape it
▸ Earn tokens through activity and purchase exclusive items
▸ Characters can find or earn soulstones to appease their deity and receive blessings
▸ Personalized profile badges for character pages
▸ Quarterly features for characters, packs, and members
▸ Pack territories that are ready for new leadership
▸ World events and quests to earn rewards


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