The Grotto

Disaster has struck!
Years ago, an earthquake broke open several entrances into a deep, winding series of subterranean systems. It was thought that deep below, underground rivers snaked their way below Moladion. Now, flooding in the Northern reaches of Moladion has proven this theory to be true.

The Grotto is almost entirely submerged. Many of the entrances are completely inaccessible, and those that are only extend a few hundred feet before ending in water. The lower entrances, however, act almost like a giant drain for Moladion. Water pours down into the Grotto's maw as powerful rapids and waterfalls, and large amounts of debris have build up throughout the area. It can be exceptionally dangerous to travel due to the risk of flash-flooding and dams suddenly breaking, but the Grotto does offer the most consistent access across the floodwaters because of those dams.

Note:The Grotto will return to normal once 25 posts have been completed (or at Staff discretion). During this time, new threads will receive a 'Surprise','Disaster', and prizes.

Return to Lunar Children

* everybody's got a dark side [ mazikeen ]

He knows what he must do for his clan, though there is less urgency for it as another desire vies for his attention. Hunger.

The gray brindled beast lounges restlessly at the twisted, raised roots of a large tree, his tail beating against the dry earth once or twice as he determines what should be done. Dust rises and falls in small clouds as his movement disturbs the ground beneath and far in the distance the sound of something shuffling through the undergrowth captures his attention. His rugged features are alert to the possibility of a quick meal to sate his hunger. Eyes of gradient lilac scan the horizon as he slowly begins to sit up, his tall figure giving him an advantage over the dense bushes that could interrupt any line of sight.

The scent of a juvenile deer wafts toward him and his stomach responds with a gurgling growl. It will certainly be enough to keep his hunger at bay for a little while longer.

He rises to all four paws, with dark claws digging impatiently into the earth, and begins to maneuver toward the deerling. He knows that he is not the fastest but he has endurance and strength to aid him. As long as he can successfully get close enough to the creature then all else should play smoothly. He is careful not to make much noise, especially as the underbrush becomes denser, and pauses to watch every now and then as he draws nearer. The juvenile is likely inexperienced and prone to make a mistake if and when it discovers that it is being hunted; he counts on that to give him another advantage. It also helps that its front leg is twisted and bent in the wrong direction -- a gift from fate itself.

When the deer is within a few meters he initiates his attack, using his powerful hind legs to propel himself from the bushes and on toward his prey. The deer panics and begins to jump one way before changing its mind and moving in another, unsure of where is the best escape. That moment of hesitation was its deathwish. The juvenile flails over its broken leg and stumbles to the ground, giving the perfect opportunity. Nazar’s front paw was able to rake along its upper ribcage before his jaws wrapped around the top of its neck. He crunched down until the sounds of popping and breaking paralyzed his prey, causing it to collapse beneath his weight as he moved the rest of himself on top of it. Jaws dripping with saliva reached for the neck as he pinned the face down with one paw and mercifully ended the young deer’s life quickly. It wouldn’t have lasted much longer anyway.

For the time being, he was content, and began to delve into the abdomen of the corpse. It was easy to make quick work of something when his ravenous hunger wouldn’t allow him to take his time. As he was indulging in licking the blood from his paws, the soft sound of someone moving nearby had his ear twist in recognition. Perhaps it was one of his clan. No matter who they were they had about thirty seconds to reveal themselves before he begrudgingly rose to seek them out.

-of izarra's blood.
-wandering the wilds.
-without a heart.
-without a soul.


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