DEADMAN - " />
Enocra Woodland

Pine, spruce and firs alike...
Dense coniferous forests cover the woodlands, with clearings, paths and the occasional wildberry shrub throughout. Pine, spruce and fir make up much of the forest in the east, with the forest becoming swampier in the west towards Mecor Valley. In the west, cypress trees dominate, with fallen trees creating bridges across and throughout the stillwaters.

Return to Lunar Children




He had been flung into a panic. Moderately well hidden, but a panic none the less. The sight of the mud and matted fur along his legs and underbelly was completely unacceptable. Ramos could feel it staining his skin, burning it as though it were caustic. He had to get it off. Even if it meant continuing to gnaw on the bottom of his left paw as his pale eyes picked up a black and red form skirting the edge of a bush from the tree line and making it's way towards him. However, the older brute was smart enough to quit hobbling around on three limbs and stood stalk still. He knew how bad that must've looked to the new-comer on the scene; an obviously lone wolf, disheveled and limping. Ramos looked weak.

you are weak.

Flicking his ears towards the approaching wolf, Ramos sized him up with his paw still in his mouth. The wind direction was bad for him and whipped away most of the juvenile's scent away from him, but the odd swirl carried with it the tell-tale hints of other wolves. This time, heat began to tickle his chest and the back of his thick skull, causing his ochre hackles to puff up slightly. His company also seemed well-fed, well taken care of. It was something Ramos longed for. Something he envied this child over. There was something off about this wolf, though, something he couldn't place his paw on it yet.

As the stranger continued closer, Ramos forced his hackles down and reshuffled his feet. His tail was useless in displays but he tried to make himself as non-threatening as possible while still remaining alert and ready to run in case the scent of other wolves hadn't come from the boy's pelt. He wasn't in the mood for a confrontation and neither was his company if the soft smile and relaxed posture were anything to go off of.

However, the first words out of the oddly marked wolf's mouth did cause him to bristle subtly again. But he shut down the involuntary response as he knew he was in the more dangerous position no matter how slight. Instead, Ramos gave a curt nod and set his paw down, making sure to plant it in unsoiled snow. "Ramos." He paused to lift his right paw, relieving the pressure off of it and briefly glancing at the filthy fur below his ankle. "Three seasons of non-stop travel will do that to you, kid."

Tilting his head, he continued to look over Sans. He'd be quite the wolf if he hadn't stopped growing already, but he was still soft like a pup. "If I'm not mistaken, you haven't seen much hardship. You're with a family unit, yes? Or a pack?" The low rumble of his words had barely left his black lips before they were replaced with his right paw which he began to clean as he awaited an answer.

Perhaps this young buck would be able to tell him some things about this new land he was passing through.
sarah loves me!

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