Bright Moon - a land sullied by mystery and the ravaging scars of a terrible fire. Abandoned as a pack land for years, the terra has been used as a gathering place for the brazen and bloodthirsty drawn there by the lingering pall of death. Yet from the ashes there comes an unordained phoenix, the rainbow hues of hope glinting in her mismatched globes. Through the obsidian drapes obscuring the scenery, she alone was able to catch the perfumed aroma of new life on the breeze and hear the sluggish streams flowing ever swifter into the morning.

Thus, with a purpose, she set out to map the incognita, discovering daily the extent of the reawakening and unearthing within herself a desire to return the landscape to its former glory. Now she stands tall as privileged Alpha of the lands, lording over the rock-strewn prairie and bountiful forests with a firm but gentle paw.

Having finally realized her deepest longing to be a queen, Satowra is focused solely on the revival and maintenance of the Bright Moon Pack. Her question to each prospective warrior that comes to the border is simple:

"Do you have what it takes?"


Birthing Thread


Be careful of what you touch lest the grave be what you lust

How different it all was, how content they were. After what seems like months of silence between the pair, now there was hardly a moment between them when volumes were not passed. It was not that they spoke a lot in terms of words, but in the human realm, a picture meant a thousand words and for Athene and Kershov, a single look meant exactly the same. While they traveled the pack border together, perhaps hardly a word was said, but they would send glances at each other, ones that were hungry, full of lust and desire and need… And even love, despite the fact that the words “I love you” had not slipped past either of their teeth nor tongues. That particular phrase was almost taboo for the two warriors to say, but they both understood that that was how they felt toward one another, and so all too often their patrols were longer than need be simply because they spent their precious time canoodling, caressing, exploring. As the days first got shorter, and then began to elongate again once spring came, their traveling pace had become slower on their strolls - it was not that Athene was not shape, for she was just as always, but there was something slowing the female fatale down. She had a litter of pups hanging heavy within her belly, pulling on all of her muscles, disrupting her organs, swinging upon her back. Were Kershov ever to say a word about giving her a break or the speed at which they were going, the warrioress would lash out at him, snapping at him, more out of embarrassment and frustration due to the fact that she knew he was right, but her mate was not stupid, and likely had not said a single word about it this entire time.

Perhaps this particular pair were very different than most couples - they were quiet about their public displays of affection-mostly shown when it was just a pair of them. They also did not gosh about one another, pledging their undying loyalty and love, whispering sweet little nothings into each others ears… It was simply not their style. They were two machines I have been forced from the same steel miles apart, lands a part. And I has that same machination, they were beasts of war. Love and war went together like oil and water-there was no time for true love and a bottle, the only time there was, was spent on focus-what was their next move, how should they defend them selves, what to do for a counterattack? Yet despite this, Athena and Kershaw thought like a lock and key, fitting together perfectly with ease simply because they knew each other, they knew each other‘s souls, their thoughts, the reason for their actions. For most little girls, he was not the night in shining armor that they had always dreamed of… Nor was she the beautiful damsel in distress that boys would dream of saving. But Athena never wanted to be a damsel in distress, nor has she ever wished for a night to save her. So perhaps they were not normal… To sum it all up, they were perfect for each other.

For a week or two now, she had been able to feel the pups kicking within her belly, the activity often waking her up in the middle of the night, especially when they decided to sit directly on her bladder, forcing her to awkwardly disintangle herself from her mare and waddle to the nearest bush. Despite all of her efforts, the hormones finally got to her, and she had softened more than she ever had before, and she had to wonder if she had more pups now than with her first litter with Kershov. And today, for dawn had just broken, she would find out that not only did she have more than two pups, she had gotten a whole lot more than that, and not just in terms of number. Only time would tell how she would react to the mutant pups that were soon to slip out of her. Now, normally, the brindled she wolf would normally be up before the dawn, stretching, preparing for their patrol. But the pups had been so restless as of late, Athene had been exhausted as of late and had slept in… Only to be awoken by a sharp pain in her abdomen. Her eyelids snapped open with a growl, Athene‘s pupils already dilated to the fullest extent not just because of the darkness of their den but from her trained response to stimuli. In that one blink, she was ready, on her paws, all of her muscles tightened and ready to release their full power… That is, until another contraction hit her and sent her sprawling to the ground. For a second, she thought that perhaps the pups had finally jumped on her bladder too much, that they had forced her to relieve the pressure while she slept, but there was no smell of urine, but rather a sharp tinge that she recognized from her first litter. Athene growled again, this time with a curse and a single name - her mate‘s. If she was going to have to suffer through this, he would too. When she had jumped up though, she had leapt slightly away from him, but her outstretched paw flipped quickly to send a small pebble on the cavern floor careening at him in order to wake him up if he was not already awake.

Yet another contraction spread like wild fire, burning her, and she felt helpless - usually against pain there was a foe she could fight, something she could defeat, and she could tell about when the pain would end. But this could go on for hours, and there was nothing she could do about it but push. After what seemed like hours but in reality was only a few minutes, she felt the first body work its way through her canal and out into the world. Athene wrapped her neck around in order to reach it out towards her, and she reared back as she realized this pup only had three legs. She opened her jaws, meaning to snap its neck and put it out of its misery, but then she glanced sideways toward Kershov and thought differently. Instead, she cleaned it off swiftly, finishing not a second too soon before her uterus began to push again, and Athene was forced to push with it. The next had all four limbs… But was revolting for a different reason. She was a dark little agouti thing, with knobs where her horns would grow, just where Athene had hers, but that was not the end of her mutation - tiny little soft cloven hooves were planted where hers were meant to be paws. The growl but that slipped past the warrior’s maw was no longer just from pain, but from utter confusion. Her first litter had been blessed by two strong pups and the one that should not be named. What was this? Hell spawn? The third pup was as was the second in terms of mutations, but more closely related the first with its ivory coat aside from the dorsal stripe that led from his nose down his through his tail. Athene grated her teeth and cleaned him off before continuing on with her birth. And was she lucky - if this had been her first birth, or perhaps the first two had instead tried this configuration when they came out, they would’ve torn her in two. For... the last two came out at the same time, and though they had neither horns nor hooves, they bore instead feathers like her mate, and claws like a bird. Glancing at her side, she noticed that she was sunken down, that her uterus, though still peristalsing, had quieted. She finished cleaning off her pups before glancing up at Kershov .

Well which witch did you cross now
Was it that Nimueh cow?
Have a peek for yourself, and see
What the gods have cursed upon you and me.

|| Belongs to Herself || Gwyneira, Sergei, Bellerophon, Gwenllian || Uyaraut ||


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