Bright Moon - a land sullied by mystery and the ravaging scars of a terrible fire. Abandoned as a pack land for years, the terra has been used as a gathering place for the brazen and bloodthirsty drawn there by the lingering pall of death. Yet from the ashes there comes an unordained phoenix, the rainbow hues of hope glinting in her mismatched globes. Through the obsidian drapes obscuring the scenery, she alone was able to catch the perfumed aroma of new life on the breeze and hear the sluggish streams flowing ever swifter into the morning.

Thus, with a purpose, she set out to map the incognita, discovering daily the extent of the reawakening and unearthing within herself a desire to return the landscape to its former glory. Now she stands tall as privileged Alpha of the lands, lording over the rock-strewn prairie and bountiful forests with a firm but gentle paw.

Having finally realized her deepest longing to be a queen, Satowra is focused solely on the revival and maintenance of the Bright Moon Pack. Her question to each prospective warrior that comes to the border is simple:

"Do you have what it takes?"





As she spoke, her words started to calm him, as they so often calmed her own pups. Bit by bit, he unfurled, his tucked tail slipping out from between his back legs, his flattened ears slowly regaining their stature. True, he had flinched a bit when she had kissed him upon the brow, some sort of terrified squeak streaming from between his lips, but after receiving from her a soft caress instead of a painful bite, he seemed to believe her further. No longer did he stutter and stumbled over his words, but rather he seemed intrigued and curious, more confident even. He seemed surprised and amazed at the fact that she had a family, but then again, so was she. Her first litter could have gone wrong in so many ways... if she had not stopped taking her drug of choice - poppy - they could have all been misformed or mutilated by the time they grew to term, or worse, they may not have been able to grow to term at all, what if she had a aborted them? But that comment, as innocent as it was, was like a stake to her own heart and she inhaled sharply, biting the inside of her lip in order to remain composed. For her litter was not just her first litter, it was to be her only litter. How many times has she and Grey Wind tried now since the conception and birth of their first litter to conceive again… And nothing. The only thing that they could assume is that she was now sterile due to her transformation to a vampire. And it sparked something in her - a fear and dread for her existing offspring. They were already precious, they always had been and they always would be, but now they were a commodity. A rare item that may never come to be ever again. Would Grey Wind consider leaving her if she could not produce to him more heirs? Would it put strain on their relationship? Even as the thought popped into her head she dismissed it as a silly notion. They had never before truly wanted to have offspring, but now that they did they were doting parents. But to hide the pain and insecurity, she smile down at him and nodded.

Yes, silly. I have a mate who I love very much, and we have a litter of pups… Although they are no longer pups exactly. They are a rowdy bunch of teenagers, much like you are I suppose. ” It seemed now that she had him talking, there would be no end to his monologue. But the next thing that happened shocked her to her core, perhaps even further than she had already been in shock. The first part was innocent enough - he was glad to meet her, yet he had had fears that she would eat him. She had laughed at that - she was a cannibal and a vampire, one of the most terrifying combinations, and yet this pup had nothing to fear from her. He was right to fear her… But she would not put that burden upon him. But when he started talking about his parents, she froze. At first it was from the hilarity of it when Kershov was mentioned - it made so much sense now, with Kershov being this whelp‘s father, and briefly she wondered if Athene knew about it. But in the next breath he was talking about his mother, a retired healer. And it had caused her audettes to perk up, intrigued . The art of healing and herbology was a dying art form, so she wondered who among the few was his mother… But the name Kaukab said was not one she had been expecting nor prepared for. And now, she truly froze. Much of the rest that he said was lost on her, and she went wide eyed and her mind spun in circles.

Kahlan … Is alive? My aunt… Is not dead? I am not alone? I still have family from before? Why has she never come found me? Why did she not make her presence known to me? Does she even know I am alive? Does she care?

And that’s when Macaria realized the ironic comedy of this entire situation. Here she was, given a rank that she did not deserve, considering that her own training in healing had never truly been finished. And she yet she was expected to be the teacher to her own teacher‘s child. To her own cousin, although they were years apart in age. It was stupid, but it was funny. A sort of dark humor that settled nicely into her heart… She began to laugh, starting with a simple giggle but it quickly progressed to all out guffaws.

Your… Your aunt… No, your mother is my aunt. She was my teacher… And… I am not… Sure why I… I am now your… Teacher. But it… It is funny! Very funny!” Her mind regressed to her previous thought - how precious family truly was, and then she realized that this little one was family as well. She settled down quite sharply, but with a simple smile set in place. “We are family, Kaukab. By blood only, right now. But I hope that will change. If you ever need anything… I will always be here.” She hoped that he would take her seriously and not think of it as an empty promise. For she meant it with every fiber of her being - her own mother had been absent in her life far too much, and her aunt Kahlan had essentially been transferred to being her mother as a standing. And if Kahlan couldn’t be there for this pup now, the least that Macaria could do would be to return the favor. At some point, she realized that she had been crying, and swiped up at her snout.

Right then. Back to healing. Over… Anything really. As for what to grab, the plan is to eventually go over everything. For every plant can either harm you or help you in some way, and to be a true proficient you need to be able to work with the tools you are given no matter where you are, what environment you live in or where you find yourself. ” She followed him silently, and said not a single word of reprimand when he, instead of going for plants, was distracted by the sea. She moved to his side andlooked at it, seeing it through his eyes instead of hers. “Yes, Kaukab, I do. And it looks different to me than it does to you, but I assure you it is no less beautiful. Some take for granted, I think, how unique this planet is for us. But I don’t, and perhaps that is why I have made the choice of career that I did. Perhaps you will come to like this as much as I do. Now then… Pick a plant.

Nearby there were very few plants, but if one looked closely and knew what they were looking for, it would be enough. There was a small shrub with rough bark and the strangest looking seedpods that many had ever seen. They had four sides and were a pale shade of green, a lovely seafoam green, with a little bead, a green berry at its tip. Further back, away from the cliff, there were the occasional taller tree, these ones with beautiful flowers that were delicate at the same time with their rosy hue, the petals hair thin. There was only one other type of shrub, or rather a stunted tree nearby, and that one had round, bulbous full fruits growing on it. Aside from that, in the crevices there grew the occasional plant as well, only two of note. Neither had preposterous flowers upon them, and both hung to whatever soil they could find deep in the cracks in the rock, and then sprouted outwards. She waited to see which he would pick, so that she could begin teaching him what she knew, all the while hoping it was enough to impress her aunt and do Kahlan’s memory justice.

WC 1372


||Macaria||Uyaraut Adlartok||Vampiress||Grey Wind||

Table Credit to Morgin <3

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