Carden Alvar Nature Board by Bob BowlesCauseways and water fowl

People often mention the Canal Lake causeway, part of Centennial Park Road, as a great place to see water birds. Yesterday, for instance, there were flotillas of hundreds of buffleheads, and a scattering of others, easily visible from the roadway. Less often cited is another good spot, the Mitchell Lake causeway, the north end of Hartley Road, accessed from 48 at the osprey nest on the high bridge over the Trent Canal. Because the ice is still in, the birds are packed into the patches of open water, especially near 48. This afternoon there were buffleheads and common mergansers in the canal close to the road (great for people with cameras lacking long lenses), and a bonus, a pied-billed grebe. And it's a great place to keep an eye on the pair of newly arrived ospreys.

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