The Lost Islands

Devil's gonna get you if I don't first

It was funny to him, how she acted around him. It was almost instinct that he called this a game of cat and mouse because who did males chase, but the females that resisted. Her eye roll and her refusal to give him any kind of friendly hello wasn't a letdown. No, Warsaw was having a blast with this behavior. He could imagine all kinds of things he would like to do with her, but he would hold off. Embarrassing her I don't of her Kingdom wouldn't score him any points. If he had his way Persephone would be joining his ranks and fighting for a spot beside him.

Her response was differently something he expected out of the Forest Queen. He laughs with a big grin on his face. "I'm delighted I could help." The words fall between chuckles. He was almost determined to get a full smile out of her. Persephone questions why he was here. She was always skeptical, but that was her better judgment talking. He couldn't blame her for being wary. "A friend can't come to visit? It has been years since I've seen you so I was just checking in. Making sure you're still breathing." His grin turns coy as his eyes sparkle with his usually mischievous intent. He tries to touch his muzzle to her chest, but he was cautious in case she decided to give him any backlash. He attempted to make his story more real by trying to hear her heartbeat.

He pulls back quickly even if she allows him to get a feel. This might piss her off more than his goal of smiling. Guess he wasn't very good too sweet talking, but he did how some foals running around to prove he did okay for himself. "It would be a shame for the islands to lose someone of your beauty and grace." A smile, quite charming for the beast actually, spread over his grey lips. Maybe she would prefer a bold character that gets straight to the point. This brought him to his next bad idea. "We are both growing older and soon our Kingdoms will need someone to take our place.I wanted to offer you a chance at having my seed for the development of your herd. Together we would make a strong soul to run the Forest in the event of your death." His smile was gone as was any playfulness he just had a minute ago. Warsaw was serious and he was pretty positive of her answer before she even said it. Either way, he would throw the offer on the table if she ever changed her mind. He would enjoy getting a taste of her.

Devil's gonna get you if I don't first
html by castlegraphics; art by DarknFallen


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