The Lost Islands


The Boss


The Marauder


The General


The Companions

None None None

The Thieves


The Associates


The Soldiers


The Trinkets


Boss's Decree

"For every brother you bring to our
midst, you may keep a trinket all to
yourself. She will not be sullied or traded, unless you deem otherwise. But should you bring a mare here without a new brother first, then I will consider her property of the Lagoon as a whole
and do with her as I see fit." - Garmr

The Offspring

Cerinthe (Osmanthus x Honeycutt)
Mhidas (Helios x Vàna)
Warg (Psychedelic x Vàna)


• The Lagoon is where homeless stallions come to live as a brotherhood. Mares may not live here except as captives or companions for the Leaders.

• Soldiers keep mainly to fighting, Thieves keep mainly to raiding, and Associates may do both, neither, or act as diplomats. Members may issue their own battles and raids, but should generally consult the General, Marauder or Boss for permission.

• All major decisions are determined by vote, but the Boss maintains order within the Lagoon and has the final say.

• Elections for leadership positions will be held every TLI summer, provided the qualifying criteria are met.

• You can find detailed information about how the Lagoon works on the Rules page.

• Upon election, the Boss can issue a rule for members to follow during their tenure. It is up to leadership to enforce.

*~My Next Collison Course~*

He saw no reason to doubt the other stallion's good intentions and it would be nice to have a friend or two in the lagoon besides Cullen so he was looking forward to getting to know the bay. He'd always been one to befriend first before he tried anything else. He wasn't a confrontational stallion unless he was pushed to it. He wasn't one to back down from a challenge (he had his pride, after all) but he also didn't go looking for trouble. He was usually down to earth and laid back, just looking to get to know others and be helpful when he could. This was what he'd decided he needed, after all. To join a bachelor herd so he could quit worrying about herd politics and mares and such nonsense. Emotions got messy and that's what got him into this in the first place.

He pricked his ears, intrigued, when the stallion said he was born here in the Lagoon and his name was Augustine. "Ah, so you're related to one of the stallions here?" He was curious of Augustine's background, wondering if it was usual for the bachelors to keep their colts here when they had children. He hadn't seen many mares since coming here, after all. Augustine answered his question in the next comment, saying he was the son of Ernesto and his mother lived on another island. He nodded. "Do you get to see her sometimes? Your mother or sister?" He wondered if they stayed close or if they were okay to part ways and keep it that way. Family used to mean a lot to him. Of course, that was before he was betrayed by a stallion that might as well have been a brother to him.

Augustine told him that Cullen was his older brother and that he was a good fair leader as long as you're loyal. Collision nodded in understanding. Loyalty was always high on his list as well. When Augustine mentioned starting trouble with other herds, Collision smirked and shook his head. "Well, I'm not really the trouble starting type so he shouldn't have to worry about that. I like to keep my head down and just do my part as a herd stallion. Don't get me wrong, I'll help out however I can with recruiting but I'm not much for raiding or stealing." He hoped that wasn't a downfall for the other stallions here. Sure, if a mare was in a bad situation and wanted an escape, he'd do what he could to get her out but he didn't want to take mares from their homes unwillingly. That just sit right with him.

He looked back at the stallion, a new twinkle in his eye as his lips twitched. "So what do you do around here for fun, Augustine?"

Collision Course_stallion_6yo_American Paint Horse Mutt_15hh_black and white overo coat_black mane&tail_dark brown eyes_bound to none_Lagoon


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