The Lost Islands

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still a fire in my heart

I love it when they scream.

A chill went down Everglow’s spine. This encounter was quickly passing from annoying to downright dangerous. This stallion, whoever he was, was evidently more than just your everyday creep. Yet again, Everglow mentally cursed Iskulan for abandoning her.

The rest of the stallion’s words, which slithered unpleasantly into her ears like slugs, were hardly any better. Then pain lanced through her hindquarters as his teeth made contact with her skin. With a squeal of surprise and displeasure, Everglow kicked out her hind legs in his direction: less to hurt, and more to get him away from her, but if she happened to catch him in the face, all the better.

“Get the fuck away from me! What’s wrong with you?” she spat, swiveling around to glare in his direction. “If you think I’m coming anywhere with you, you’re the blind one, pal.”

Only then did she remember her promise. Lifting her head to the sky as she backpedalled away from the stranger - back towards the ocean - Everglow raised her voice. HELP! WOULD SOMEBODY HELP ME OVER HERE? CREEPY STALLION PREYING ON YOUNG GIRL!”

4; mutt; palomino; 15.1hh; blind
shamwari x brienne
html & character by shiva


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