Welcome to the Topspin message board - the place for all Tim Henman fans!

This message board was set up primarily for members of Tim's official fan club, Topspin, but if you're still interested in what Tim's doing with tennis now he's retired then you're welcome to check here for news.

Please note - If your message is short you can type it all in the "subject" box so it appears in full on the board.

This board - see inside

Given that this board seems to be getting more messages posted from trolls than Topspin members lately, I've decided it's time to close it down.
In case anyone wants to go back through and copy off any interesting posts (reports or articles that you might want to revisit) I'll leave it up for another month, then shut it down at the beginning of December.
Many thanks to all who have used the board to pass on information, and of course you'll still be able to contact me, and each other, via email in the future.


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