The Lost Islands


The Prime Minister


The Codebreaker


The General


The Companions

None None None

The Thinkers


The Politicians


The Warriors


The Trinkets



"None." - Leader

The Offspring

Cetus (Osmanthus x Axelle)
Pennywise (Jigsaw x Titan)


• The Vulcan Peak is where homeless mares come to live as a sisterhood. Stallions may not live here except as captives or companions for the Leaders.

• Warriors keep mainly to fighting, Thinkers keep mainly to raiding, and Politicians may do both, neither, or act as diplomats. Members may issue their own battles and raids, but should generally consult the General, Codebreaker or Prime Minister for permission.

• All major decisions are determined by vote, but the Prime Minister maintains order within the Peak and has the final say.

• Elections for leadership positions will be held every TLI summer, provided the qualifying criteria are met.

• You can find detailed information about how the Peak works on the Rules page.

Are we written in the sand

Cherish and her daughter followed Macabre and Wasp faithfully into the sea. Sure, they still held some fear from the first time they braced the sea together, but with how mamy times Cherish was swam since she was alright. Clarity was a bit more on edge, but she felt perfectly safe with the others. Clarity knew no one would allow her to get hurt. They reached the shore without much trouble and both mares watch as their leader helps their newest addition from the surf. Little Bacardi was healthy and well just as Clarity was.

The two foals were half siblings, created by much different circumstances, but they were both good children. Cherish was relieved to find Ruger was an okay stallion and how invovled he was with Clarity when they lived in the Forest. She was glad Clarity was able to have the amount of time she did with her father. Then Wasp speaks and tells Macabre the Peak was waiting for her. The mares here were waiting for her guidance just as Cherish and her daughter were. The Bay overo smiles at the thought of how her life was changed since meeting Wasp and Macabre. The duo was a sight to see.

"This must be your destiny Macabre." The words come from her mouth, but Cherish was surprised. She did not usually say something so wise. Two large mares approach, followed closely by a much smaller grey, and then another. The third mares speaks, introduces herself, and says the other mares are her friends. Cherish smiles at the word 'friend' and gives a delightful flick of her long Arabic-like tail. Kolfinna says something strange when she looks back to Macabre. She was waiting for them? For Macabre? She was about to say something when another mare appears.

The black mare with funny ears chimes in on Kolfinna's words. Suddenly, this all felt so improtant. So much bigger than anything she has been invovled with before. Cherish takes a step closer to the group forming in front of them. She does not pass Macabre, but she positions herself close to one side of her. "We have traveled far to make it here. Our Journey is finally over." She smiles at Macabre and Wasp before turning back to the group. "My name is Cherish, this is my daughter Clarity, and this is my fearless friends who have brought us here. My daughter and I wouldn't be free mares without them." She motions to Clarity as she says her name and then directs everyone to Macabre. She knew the mare could introduce herself so she left the honors to her best friend. Yep, best friend.

html by castlegraphics; image by Ailanor


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