The Lost Islands


The Boss


The Marauder


The General


The Companions

None None None

The Thieves


The Associates


The Soldiers


The Trinkets


Boss's Decree

"For every brother you bring to our
midst, you may keep a trinket all to
yourself. She will not be sullied or traded, unless you deem otherwise. But should you bring a mare here without a new brother first, then I will consider her property of the Lagoon as a whole
and do with her as I see fit." - Garmr

The Offspring

Cerinthe (Osmanthus x Honeycutt)
Mhidas (Helios x Vàna)
Warg (Psychedelic x Vàna)


• The Lagoon is where homeless stallions come to live as a brotherhood. Mares may not live here except as captives or companions for the Leaders.

• Soldiers keep mainly to fighting, Thieves keep mainly to raiding, and Associates may do both, neither, or act as diplomats. Members may issue their own battles and raids, but should generally consult the General, Marauder or Boss for permission.

• All major decisions are determined by vote, but the Boss maintains order within the Lagoon and has the final say.

• Elections for leadership positions will be held every TLI summer, provided the qualifying criteria are met.

• You can find detailed information about how the Lagoon works on the Rules page.

• Upon election, the Boss can issue a rule for members to follow during their tenure. It is up to leadership to enforce.

Those who have strength and courage will never perish in misery; (BIRTH)

Oh how the gods hated her. No sooner had she come to the damned lagoon, does the pains of labor begin to grow in her belly.

She blamed it on the swim, so late in the season, so close to delivery. It should have been the sea that claimed them, the damned seed of Warsaw and her own life for daring to be the vessel with which to bare such offspring. However ever the dutiful mare, she made it, wobbling legs weary from traveling with such weight found purchase upon land and she drew herself from the shallows that guarded the border of men.

A sharp breath catches in her throat as another wave of pain courses through her veins, drawing the very breath from her lungs. Please not a colt.
she murmurs, pushing her way through the mud sucking soil as she paced through the thick underbrush. At least it was not so damn cold here at it had been in Tinuvel... however there were other threats.

Though non blocked her path, nor even bothered to approach her, Nova can feel their eyes upon her. Glacier pools dart through the dark shadows as small black ears bury beneath the thick mantle of curling dark tresses. They knew she was here. Chiseled maw lifts defiantly as the small mare gives them once last glare before the strength of the contractions once more grips her, bringing her to her knees.

It does not take long for the foal to make its appearance. Nova had become quite familiar with the process of childbirth. Perhaps it was the dangers that she felt in a land ruled by men, or the threat of baring another offspring of Warsaw's into the world. Whatever the reason, Nova is quick to find her feet. For a moment she does not dare to gaze at the child, listening instead for the gasping breath as the foal fought through the thick mucus layers that bound it into the womb. It breathed. Damn Reluctantly she let her eyes fall upon the foal still damp and glistening in afterbirth.

It was a colt. double damn. It was almost laughable. How at every turn Warsaw seemed to always get his way. A heavy sigh slides past her lips as she bent her head to meet the pale golden boy's gaze. There is dejection in her eyes as she gazes at him, at the adoration and endearment that lingers as his small muzzle reaches for her.

A part of her wants to pull away, to flee desperate for the borders and leave the foal to whatever predators patrolled these shores. However. He moved. His small pink muzzle presses against hers now, his scent overwhelming her own and with a sigh she begins to clean the colt dry.

show them the joy and the pain, and the ending to come;
pic courtesy of FINTRON @ DeviantArt


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