The Lost Islands

path of the viper [Bran]

As satisfying as it was to beat up on Liland, Nattergal isn't ready to forgive Liland for what he's done. He imagines his mother still grieving, across the sea, on a different island, without himself and Havelle to comfort her. Though the Bay is where he lives now, Nattergal misses Paradise. He grew up there. It's the last place he, his mother, and Havelle were happy together. That is his home. Not this bleak and frozen wasteland.

Nattergal has kept to himself for a few days, stewing in his own anger. Finally a restlessness gets the best of him and he is compelled into action. At first, he's not sure what kind of action to take. The colt matches out into the open with his ears pinned at no one and his nostrils wrinkled like bay itself stinks. The first thing his eyes notice is the bluff on which is father often stands to survey the herd. Liland isn't there right now, but the thought of him turns his belly.

Or is it something else turning his belly?

A pressure deep in his bowels gives Nattergal a most sinister and juvenile idea. He strides with purpose up onto the bluff, finds the trampled spot where Liland often stands, and leaves a big, steaming pile of poo in the spot. He giggles a little under his breath, suppressing a smile as he imagines Liland's face, finding fresh dung on top of his hill.

Nattergal wants to share in such foolery, but he can already see Havelle rolling her eyes at him. Nattergal needs a partner in crime. His thoughts immediately stray to Bran. He wonders if Bran might be into playing a few practical jokes on Liland.

Nattergal sets off at a trot, wondering where he might find Bran. He lets loose a call that urges his half brother to answer.

1 Year, ♂, Fjord, Dun Ee Aa DD, 14.2 Hands, Sabrina


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