The Lost Islands

I've Loved and I've Lost(Warsaw)

Two weeks had come and gone. Two weeks since his son was born and Sabela had left them. He had notified all that he believed needed to know. He had begun letting Bran travel to the prarie to visit with his mother and sister. Nat was still throwing tantrums. Havelle and him had spent some time together and atleast she didn't seem to hate him. Rayna... His Heir, his first born, Sabela's daughter was depressed but sticking close to her younger brother. He tried to be there for her but what do yo usay to a child that just los thier mother? Rayna has been becoming distant lately. He could see her eyeing the twins and bran who could technically they could see their mothers they were alive and well.

He sighed as he grazed thinking about things. His wounds long healed and scarred. He wore them proudly. His ears twitch as he hears Warsaw's call and he snorts.

He called back and then moved off to the border of the inlet and bay. His head up and ears forward. Liland was tired, mentally. He just wanted to live in his home the bay with his herd in peace but he wasn't sure Warsaw was gonna allow this. Liland didn't really care if Warsaw lorded over the whole island, he go along with it as long as what he wanted didn't cause harm for his herd. Warsaw His voice was a little soft but still proud.


html by sabrina


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