The Lost Islands

daylight, i dream of you softly (any)


(ooc: this thread is for any herd members who aren’t already familiar with ylva. she wants to get to know everyone, though preferably only one or two at a time <3)

With spring, as ever, comes change. The days are lengthening, foals are dropping, and Sabela is dead. Ylva tries not to think too hard about that last one, or her residual guilt over not having got to know the mare in time, but everything else is hard to ignore. Roughly half of the bay’s members are foals or yearlings now, her youngest son among them. And many of these poor young things are motherless. Talien has taken Sabela’s orphan under her wing, and Bran had recently been to visit his mother on some faraway island, but otherwise the only parent he, Nattergal, and Havelle have is their sire, and that relationship seems to be a complicated one. They are all yearlings now, and largely independent, but even still, it makes Ylva’s heart hurt to watch them.

In her opinion, every child should have a maternal figure in their life - blood related or not - and now, with her new role as queen, Ylva feels especially responsible for the children of the bay. She wants to get to know them better, and to let them know that she is here to support them, but a strange kind of fear stops her from approaching them. She still does not know the true story behind how Liland had become estranged with Bran and the twins’ mothers, and she almost does not want to know. As much as she wants to be closer to them all, she doesn’t want to be forced to pick sides.

When Ylva is not watching the foals, she is watching her own children. The twins are two years old now, but - thankfully - show no signs of wanting to part from her yet. Torsten is a year old, and though there is still a question as to whether he will leave to stay with his father, she cannot imagine that he will.

It’s a bright - bright for Tinuvel, that is - spring day and Ylva finds herself watching the youngest of the foals today, particularly Talien and her newborn, as well as Sabela’s orphan that she had adopted. The tiny babies stir a strong sense of maternal longing in her, which make her eyes flit to Liland. Part of her is glad she does not have another child at her feet, with all that has happened, but still… maybe someday.

4; norwegian fjord; red dun pangare; 14hh
mother of harley quinn, joker, & torsten

html, image, & character by shiva


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