The Lost Islands

Devil's gonna get you if I don't first

His converstation with Bjorn was a fire starter. He did not expect what the stallion intended to say, but he had been looking for inspiration for the war even since Xiomara stormed in. He thought he had got it back with Xio's love of fighting, but Vita Nova reeled him back in. She brought him back to his original plan and not the dark path Xiomara was guiding him down. With her, he may have not left the Forest until the Queen and everyone in her path was dead. Now, he just wanted to teach them a lesson.

Bjorn's decision brought the Inlet lead back to his will to fight. To have vengence. The stallion was very inspiring from giving him this idea of war to bringing back his will to fight. It had all almost gone away when she almost died...Bjorn brought it all back. But he had something left to do before he left for battle. Just in case he might now return it was time to hash it out with Liland. He needs to know the fate of his family and his Monarch kingdom.

He calls for Liland, anxious for his arrival. So much could happen today, so much. Liland's decisions would decide the future of his family name as well as the future of Tinuvel. The Fjord arrives and speaks his name. At one point in time Warsaw felt deep hatred for this stallion. When Liland first beat him when he was brought even lower than low. Warsaw hates him, but maybe they could work together to both get what they wanted. Warsaw was a man down.

"You've grown stronger." He says with eyes never leaving the shorter stallion's face. He might have asked how he was doing since Sabela's death, but the was more mare speak. This was a stallion talk. "I have come to make something clear with you." He takes a bold step towards Liland, crossing that imaginary line. He stands tall and proud as he speaks. "Tinuvel will be mine again." He stand nearly nose to nose with Liland now. "My lead mare deserves to be a Queen again. My son's deserve their kingdom to inherit and I will do everything to ensure that happens. I will use my last breath for it." His eyes never leave Liland. "I swear to you my Monarchy will be back." He threatens Liland with whatever means necessary to achieve this goal.

Devil's gonna get you if I don't first
html by castlegraphics; art by Charlie2218


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