The Lost Islands

We run the world

He knew life wasn't fair. Even though he had known this most of his life everything that has happened was still very much a shocker and it still hurt. He lost Zjeena the mare he loved with all his heart all because he didn't trust her to stay away from Rougaru. How could he? She had professed that rougaru should be a friend. Maybe if she had waited to bring such a thing up perhaps it might of been possible to put the past aside. But no Rougaru had to trespass and Zjeena had to greet him so enthusiastically. That was what made his decision final. He doesn't really think Zjeena would harm any one in this herd but he feared her allowing Rougaru into the herd and he could not trust the stallion on his land so he made the decision to send her away to let her go to the stallion who started it all. All because Rougaru couldn't take the truth. He doubted that Rougaru has learned how to enter an already going conversation. To ignore a horse in the conversation and only address one is rude. Rougaru had become insulted.

Now Liland and his foals suffered the end result of the dispute. He didn't like keeping them from their mother and he had had Rayna inform Zjeena that she was allowed to visit any time she wanted. So it was her choice if she visited Nat and Hav now. Of course their agreement still stood though a little more loosely then he originally planned.

His ear flicks and he glances at his daughter. A million emotions flow through him. The last time they had been this close was not the best for anyone, because it was the passing of Sabela the other mare that had held his heart in a way. Sabela may of been mute but that mare knew how to get her thoughts across. He nickers now to his daughter and moves closer.

He lets his muzzle go to her withers where he begins to groom her. He wanted to ask where her twin was, but she probably didn't know or wouldn't tell him so he would not bother. Since that day he argued with his son he had kept his distance, not that he had wanted to. But he could see that Nat may never accept him and it hurt. It hurt so much. how have you been holding up? He asks softly.


html by sabrina


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