The Lost Islands

We run the world

So in his mind he had been wrong about who to approach first. He had thought Havelle would of resented him more, been angrier with him. But it was the exact opposite. He didn't know what his son thought of him, nor did he want to know. He already hurt from their little argument. He had let him beat him up but refused to harm a hair on his body because Liland could never physically hurt his kids. He hoped his son came around eventually but for now he let him be.

True, but I am sure that she can find a babysitter, she does have Monster there unless he lost her again. But she'll come in time to visit you.he said. Hoping his words that Rayna expressed to her got through to her. He hoped she would visit her kids and when they did have the new foal next spring and when she chose to leave back to paradise he hoped she would still visit then. Perhaps if Rougaru has left him alone that long then perhaps he would start letting her kids go to paradise to visit. like he was allowing Bran to go to prarie to visit his mother. But right now he just couldn't let them go there..

When she pauses her grooming to thank him for trying to make things right he is lost for a moment as he stares at his daughter. She was definietly the more understanding one of the two. I am thankful that you remained here, I don't think I could survive if you had gone back with her Cause in truth he hadn't specifically said she couldn't take the twins, it was implied but he wouldn't of stopped her either it would of just broken his heart into pieces. Ylva, he wasn't in love with her right now, but perhaps in time his new queen would grow on him enough that something would form between the two and his broken heart could start to mend. i can't loose anyone more in any way. This herd, you your brother and siblings you are my world and I am determined to do what is right by you and the rest of the herd not necessarily what I might want, but what I want is for you and the others to be happy, feel safe and be contentHe said.


html by sabrina


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