The Lost Islands

The strongest trees root in the deepest earth;

To say Bran was confused was an understatement. He was a torrent of emotions. Since his return to the Bay, the young stallion could not help but feel himself even more withdrawn from father and his herd.

A harsh snort bursts past his nostrils as charcoal locks are given a hard shake. He had hoped things would be easier... Finally seeing mother... Learning why she had not returned. However it had only made him even more furious. How could he? There had been so little care in his voice, so nonchalant in the manner in which he had ripped mother from Bran's life... He had not cared.

Renewed anger ignited in his soul as Bran furrowed his brow. A single ear twitches at the sound of Nattergal's call. There had been times when he wondered if his half brother's hatred of father had any merit... No more. He deserved it. A deep baritone whicker rumbles from his lungs as the greying yearling picks up a quick paced trot towards his sibling. Pale silver blue eyes meet the dark brown of his hald brother's with renewed comradary. "Nattergal...." He murmurs bumping the young stallion's cream colored skin with his own ashen muzzle. Yes. He felt it. He felt the sting of betrayal and the hatred that burned deep in his heart. He felt the pain of loneliness and loss. He felt it all.


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