The Lost Islands

Why is all the rum gone?

ooc:Anyone can still join of course, adolfo is off searching the island can either post for adolfo here with raider or if you want to do a seperate thread with him go ahead.

Raider has little care for anything these days. His sanity was very much in question after killing Solaris the only mare that he had ever actually loved and tried to remain sane for. If he couldn't have her faith and love then no one could was his thought. But it still hurt to be without her and watching Nagini was painful at times but not just because she reminded him of her mother but because there was that small doubt that Nagini was Angel's and not his.

As he is moving across the forest ground his ears swivel to his left and just as Bjorn's teeth are heading for his jugular he pivots to face the stallion and rear up lashing out with his front hooves.So you have betrayed warsaw, betraying cullen pittyHe snarled as he came down he sent his own teeth out for the other stallion. His ears now pinned back.
html by sabrina


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