The Lost Islands

the wolf feeds in the forest

Havelle is certainly the more forgiving of the two. Nattergal is not usually so unreasonable, but emotions have been running high for a long time. It's been a year since the twins returned from their time in Paradise. The move, and the conflict between their parents, has been a lot to endure. Nattergal reached a breaking point. He needed somewhere to direct all of his pain and anger, and poor Liland has become the target.

Havelle is upset. She's shed more than a few tears over everything that's happened. She wishes her parents could get along, that they hadn't had to move so much, but life is rarely fair to anyone. Things happen that no one planned for. Changes aren't always easy. Growing up isn't always easy. Havelle has enough of a handle on her own emotions not to take out her pain on anyone else.

"I know you're trying to make me feel better. Thank you, but I don't think mom will find a baby sitter. She never did for us." Zjeena never let anyone else nurse her twins. She gave them increasing amounts of independence as they got older, but the first few months of their lives were spent solely in their mother's care. Now that the twins are older, and she has a newborn at her side, Zjeena will likely remain in Paradise for a while. In a few months, when her new foal is strong enough to make a swim, she might gather the family to meet the newest member, and in fall, Zjeena will return to fulfill her end of she and Liland's parting bargain, but for now, they should remain apart.

Havelle might miss her mother, and be disappointed by the circumstances in which they parted, but Havelle understands that this is another inevitable part of growing up. She and Nattergal have been weaned for some time. While they wouldn't mind having more time with Zjeena, they no longer need her. They have the safety and guidance of the Bay herd to carry them through, and it won't be long until they are ready to begin their own adult lives. Every filly and colt must someday learn to live without their parents. It is the natural order of things.

In time, Nattergal might come to accept things as Havelle has, or not. Only time will tell. Liland has immeasurable patience with his children, and is an absolute saint for not hurting Nattergal that day on the beach, but maybe a little discipline would help the wild brat.

Havelle regards her father with a somber expression. Doe eyes shine with sympathy. "I have to admit, it was mother who told us to stay. I was scared. I didn't know you yet. It felt weird to being here without mom. Nattergal was really upset. But now I'm glad I listened to her. I'm glad I got to know you." Havelle offers her father a warm smile, but her expression falls when thoughts stray to Nattergal. "Nattergal won't leave because mom told him not to, but I can tell he wants to..." The filly's brows knit as she thinks. Of everything that's happened, the worst is losing Nattergal's companionship. She keeps hoping that Nattergal will turn his act around and come back to his old self, but things aren't looking good.

Liland talks about all his goals, about wanting to make everyone happy, and safe, and Havelle can hear the truth in his words. Even adults have lessons to learn, and it seems her parents just had too much to still learn about each other. This is what pulled them apart. "You are dad. I think I an be content here, and I think things are getting better for the herd now."

Havelle voices her observations about the herd. Sending Zjeena back to paradise seems to have eased everyone's frayed nerves. Without two leads in constant disagreement, things are running more smoothly. Havelle doesn't like to admit it, but sending her mother away was best for the Bay. She would rather have two parents apart and happy than together and miserable.

"I love you dad." Havelle murmurs before resuming her casual grooming of Liland's shoulder.

1 Year, ♀️, Fjord, Dun EE Aa Dd, 14.1 Hands, Sabrina


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