The Lost Islands

path of the viper

The sight of Bran approaching is a welcome one. Nattergal flips a veil of thick forelock from his eyes and studies Bran's face as the features come into view. The same fire that burns behind his own eyes burn behind Bran's. They are united by the same boiling hatred, a bond better than blood.

Nattergal extends his own muzzle in greeting and grunts a hello. "Hey." His voice cracks in the middle of it. A greeting to painfully typical of an adolescent male. "How was your trip to visit Larka?" Nattergal cuts right to the chase and leads with the hard question. He can make assumptions, but he wants to hear it from Bran. How much does he hate Liland? Will Bran be an appropriate partner for both sympathy and revenge?

Nattergal doesn't know the circumstances behind Larka's departure, but he assumes Liland must be behind it. Because so many mares have left the herd in one way or another, it's clearly a management issue. The pile of crap Nattergal left on Liland's bluff sums up his feelings on Liland's abilities as both lead stallion and father.

The wheels have been turning all day. Nattergal can't wait to casually call Rougaru "dad" with Liland within earshot. That will surely piss him off. Nattergal doesn't see Rougaru as a father, but Liland doesn't know that, and such a reference will surely hit Liland where it hurts most.

1 Year, ♂, Fjord, Dun Ee Aa DD, 14.2 Hands, Sabrina


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