The Lost Islands

Even the tallest trees are rooted deep in the earth;


Though they were only half siblings... Bran never felt closer to another in this moment. True Larka had brought him into this world only a few weeks before the twins and Zjeena had been taken captive and his only childhood companion had been Rayna. However since Larka's departure even she had become a ghost of his memory. With time, even the thoughts he has once cherished so closely would be gone. Only the anger remained.

A single ear twitches at Nattergal's question. Dark eyes flash as the young stallion raises his eyes to meet those of his half brother. The meaning clear.

Muscles roll beneath cinnamon colored pelt as chocolate colored mane settles over the flat of his brow in disheveled disarray. He trip to visit mother was... Enlightening to say the least.

He had always wondered why Larka never returned for him. It had haunted his thoughts and left him cold with indifference. Liland had never spared him a second glance after that. Never bothered to check on him or offer him a kind word... He had simply been expected to follow command. But why? Why did he have to stay in the Bay? Why was his loyalty to Liland? Was it real?

No. Not anymore. He had left all semblance of loyalty to Liland on the shores of the Prairie. He traded her. Traded her like she was nothing... Traded her to his enemy. With no care... No concern. Even know the knowledge left a bitter taste upon his tongue.

"Enlightening...." He remarks, his lips turning upwards in the form of a snarl. "He deserves nothing." He says glaring down to the herd. He did not doubt that Liland was nearby somewhere... Lording himself around. All Bran wanted to do was give him a swift kick to the head.

A single ear swivels back to his companion. "Seen Zjeena yet? Or have you been .... Forbidden" he asks with a sneer.


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