The Lost Islands

the wolf feeds in the forest

Havelle is lost in her own thoughts. She isn't listening to the conversation between Talien and Ylva, simply drinking in their easy movements with a faraway stare. It's a mention of her name that brings her to. The filly's eyes come into focus on Talien's face as she is addressed. Such a question catches Havelle off guard.

"S-sure. I guess.", she answers meekly. She gives words of affirmation, however uncertain, because she knows its what Ylva and Talien would want to hear, but is it the truth? Even Havelle doesn't know. She can't make sense of her own opinions through a swirling fog of doubt. Nothing Havelle is feeling is obviously Ylva's fault, but neither has she done anything to ease her pain. Maybe Ylva's hands-off leadership works for those who like to grieve alone, but Havelle is not one of those. Loneliness and grief merge to form one giant gaping hole within her small chest. She can feel the black hole growing, threatening to swallow her, and with it, her entire universe.

The filly's eyes drift from Talien to Ylva and back, but she doesn't step any closer. She hesitates an awkward distance away. Did Talien drag her into the conversation only to make her aware that she was staring? Or is she truly welcome?

1 Year, ♀️, Fjord, Dun EE Aa Dd, 14.1 Hands, Sabrina


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