The Lost Islands

We run the world(Open)

As much as he had not wanted to he had finally calmed down enough to tell havelle that she and her brother could go to paradiese for a few days here and there to visit their mother. He knew Zjeena wouldn't let harm come to them while they were over there nor did he think she'd let anyone try to fill their heads with lies about him. So he had told her that they could go and visit their mother. Though come spring they wouldn't need to do so for as long as Zjeena chose to remain with the new foal they would be having. IT would be Zjeena choice on when she returned to Paradise alone, though her foal she had right now would be allowed here if that was her choice to bring him. But He didn't think she would because Rougaru probably wouldn't want him to which was fine too.

Other then that life seemed to be settling down. Warsaw was off to war and that made him nervous. Part of him wanted to of gone just to know what was going on but he remained here with his herd. This war was not his to fight even if it was for "his" king.

He walks his home scent marking here and there to reinforce his borders. Finally he comes to the ocean and he stands looking out over it.


html by sabrina


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