The Lost Islands

where the wind blows[Liland]

Wren had always been a quiet, delicate mare with a kind soul. But after everything that had happened she had become increasingly silent and shy. She spoke enough to teach her son, and to give him the love he deserved, but she no longer tried interacting with the herd as she had done before. Her presence was always there; she never left the group. But lingered on the edge, as if she no longer belonged.

Today was no different as she grazed; the others just within eyesight. Not far her son lay sprawled for a nap, the midday sun making even the mare sleepy. Raising her head, her blue eyes studied him a bit before she focused her gaze else where. Peering off into the distance with perked ears, she searched for Liland. He was never far either, unless gone on one of his patrols or errands to another isle. Finally she spotted him, and she took the opportunity to walk over to him without their son being present.

“Liland?” she said softly as she stopped a few strides away. “I wanted to speak with you, if you have a moment.” She hoped he would not send her away, or show anger for her behavior now that they were alone.

- arabian mutt – ee/AA/ff/SbSb – 15hhs – bay plaything -
html by Sabrina | click for image credits


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