The Lost Islands


Force-claiming is not allowed here. This is a peaceful, neutral area meant for socialising.

The Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

Lissa did not know if she'd ever fully be happy again. She was happy she got to be a queen, but it was not queen of where she wanted to be. Rougaru would never budge however, and it hurt. It hurt that he valued Zjeena and Monster both over her, more so Zjeena as the mare was new to the herd. She didn't know if any stallion would ever be able to fill the void in her heart.

Quillion nursed even as she introduced him to the stallion who greeted the young coat and she chuckled. Foals even ones being weaned such at Quillion tended to focus so much on what they wanted before doing anything else. The stallion says his name. Pity he wouldn't take on puddin, but that was okay. KendryShe says to log his name in to her mind. Her ears flick as he thanks her for the spar which was nice. a bit, thank youShe says right back. As much as she would love to continue she needed ot get home.Well Kendry, you will have to stop by the thicket some time. I am queen there. Ruger is the king but we aren't anything more then equals but as long as you come as no threat I don't see him having a problem with you visitingShe said calmly.

As Quillion finishs his breakfest she nickers to her son.It was good to meet you and thank you again for the sparShe would then head for the beach and then plung into the surf her son following.


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