The Lost Islands

daylight, i dream of you softly


Just as Ylva’s eyes slide back to Talien, she notices the mare’s gaze follow her own line of sight toward Havelle. Rather than answering her question, Talien makes the decision to include Havelle in the conversation, and Ylva can feel heat rise in her cheeks. For Talien, the Second Mare, to do such a small, simple thing that Ylva does not have the courage to do, makes Ylva feel a little ashamed. She knows she should have been the one to address Havelle.

The bloom of shame within her chest intensifies at Havelle’s response to Talien’s question. Sure, I guess. Ylva knows she should not read too much into this comment - she and Havelle have barely spoken, and Havelle is dealing with a lot right now - but it still stings as a reminder that she still has a lot of growing to do in her role as Queen. In spite of this turmoil within her, however, Ylva offers Havelle a meek, almost rueful, smile and glances uncertainly at Talien. Inwardly, she quarrels with a decision, and her pale ears flick back and forth on top of her head.

Ylva’s dark eyes slide back to Havelle, and for a moment she studies the girl’s blank, foggy expression. Pain radiates from the filly like a bad smell. Why does Ylva hesitate, then? She had not hesitated the day they had found Sabela’s body, when Rayna had gone nearly mad with grief. Ylva had slipped into her nurturing role that day without thought. Thought, she realizes. She needs to stop overthinking this. If she wants to support Havelle and build some sort of relationship with her, she needs to just… do it.

So she does. Ylva takes a few steps closer to the filly to show her that she is included in the conversation, her neck long and relaxed and her eyes warm with curiosity and sympathy. “How are you doing, Havelle?”

4; norwegian fjord; red dun pangare; 14hh
mother of harley quinn, joker, & torsten

html, image, & character by shiva

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