The Lost Islands

We run the world

As time wore on his mind turned to Ylva his queen. A mare that had been brought here by Shaydowfax with 3 foals at her heels. He had gladly accepted her in not only because Ylva and the three added in another mare or two but because of her breed. Liland had a fondness for their breed. But there was something else, he knew the feeling all too well but from his experiance with Zjeena and a few past mares he was scared to push forward with the feelings. Was it truly okay to move on from Zjeena? Was it safe to love again? Would something similiar happen with Ylva if he fell in love or showed that he was in love with the young mare? He was so conflicted with his feelings.

Then his mind turned to Rayna, he had brought her to live with Xiomara on the shore in hopes that it would help his grieving daughter. As well as allow her to learn from an experianced lead mare. One ear flicks back and as Ylva walks up beside him he finally takes his eyes away from the ocean to look at her and to extend his muzzle in greeting.

YlvaHe replied back and then slightly tilts his head as he looks back to the ocean. Just thinking, and you are more then welcomed to join me He said calmly. He turns then to face her to better see have you been? Been adjusting to your rank?he asks calmly.


html by sabrina


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