The Lost Islands

the wolf feeds in the forest

Liland had the right idea. Visiting Zjeena would have undoubtedly done both Nattergal and Havelle some good. But that's only if they had found Zjeena. As it turns out, Zjeena was not in Paradise. The whole trip went nothing like any of them predicted, and it blew up in everyone's faces.

Havelle is glad she got to meet Akela, but other than that, the trip to paradise was a grand disappointment. She heaves a heavy sigh, as she makes eye contact with Liland. He asks her some difficult questions, reading her face. Her grief as clear as the skies above.

She submits to his grooming, finding comfort in the gesture, and delves into the tale. "I don't think he's coming home, papa." Havelle cranes her neck around to peer at Liland with one sorrowful eye. "We never found mom. She wasn't there." Havelle swallows hard, signalling her worry for Zjeena's safety. "She had left to fight in the war. Nattergal was really upset she wasn't there, and he stormed off. He said he wasn't coming home until he found her." The filly takes a deep and trembling breath. "I'm worried about Nattergal, really worried." As Liland works, he helps dry the dampness from her coat. When Havelle won't take care of herself, she can rely on Liland to do it for her. It is in moments like these that she's glad Zjeena made them stay and get to know their father.

1 Year, ♀️, Fjord, Dun EE Aa Dd, 14.1 Hands, Sabrina


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