The Lost Islands

We run the world

Many emotions pass over his face as Havelle speaks. He had feared that Nat might not return home and now his fear may come to light. However, as far as he was concerned Nat belonged in his herd so now he would have to make the tough decision. However, he lets his daughter finish as he works on grooming her colt. Zjeena was fighting in the war? Was she fighting because she believed warsaw that mares weren't worthy of leading by themselves? or was she just doing it to protect Rougaru. He shakes his head momentarily. I am sorryHe murmers to his daughter.I have decided that it might do him good to go to the lagoon, this only pushs me more to do soHe says now stepping back to look at his daughters reaction. Would she hate him for his decision? Or would she agree that living in a bachelor herd might be good for him.My hope is that it will distract him from what ever is going on in his mind. It is clear there isn't much else I myself can do And of course he was unwilling to send him to paradise, that will just make things worse he thought. Because then Nat would feel he won and therefore would continue hating him. So the best thing he thought for his son would be to become a bachelor, he was almost 2 years old. He himself had lived with a bachelor herd until he was about five years old and it taught him everything he needed to know.


html by sabrina


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