The Lost Islands

the wolf feeds in the forest

Havelle isn't the only one that's been thinking about Nattergal. She didn't think she was alone in her thoughts, but she didn't expect Liland to come up with a solution so quickly. The idea sends Havelle reeling. She sucks in a breath and the grip of emotion tightens her throat. A move like this will be hard for Havelle, but their current situation has already been hard, and she has to think of more than herself in all of this. Nattergal isn't happy here. Something has to change, and as her mind turns over the potential solutions, the one Liland proposes seems to be the only logical choice.

After a brief consideration Havelle levels a somber gaze with her father. "I-I think this might be for the best." Havelle can hear her mother's words of wisdom ringing in her ears. Zjeena would encourage such a move too, not just for Nattergal's well being, but to solidify relations with another faction already allied with their other allies. It really is the smartest move. Havelle just hopes this isn't goodbye forever for she and Nattergal.

"I can go find him and tell him. Do you mind if I go?" she asks. Havelle could really use an outing herself. A long swim and a long walk would help her clear her own mind and come to terms with big changes looming on the horizon. Liland can trust Havelle to return to the Bay.

1 Year, ♀️, Fjord, Dun EE Aa Dd, 14.1 Hands, Sabrina


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