The Lost Islands


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the song was upside-down

"Ok I'll go." Nattergal abruptly agrees. He makes sure his ears stay pinned and his nostrils remain wrinkled. He wants to make it clear he's not happy to be going a long with any suggestion of Liland's, when truly, he is happy for any reason to be free of the Bay.

Havelle lets go of a breath she didn't realize she was holding. "Oh good. Father said he would meet us in the Lagoon. It took me a long time to find you. He's probably already waiting for us."

Nattergal tosses his head, a big gesture of defiance for someone so small. "I don't care. Let him wait." Nattergal turns to Kendry, and his ears suddenly find their way forward. "You were saying something about the falls? No, I haven't seen the falls, but I would like to. Should we go?"

Now it's Havelle's turn to look angry. Her ears draw back in frustration, but she doesn't say a word. She promised Liland Nattergal would be there, but she didn't make any promises about when. It was surprisingly easy to get Nattergal to agree to go. She won't push her luck by trying to rush him.

Nattergal & Havelle
1 Year, ♂ & ♀️, Fjord, Dun, Sabrina


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