The Lost Islands

We run the world(Zjeena)

Was the war over? He did not know, but even though he had let Zjeena go Havelle informing him that she went to war worried him and not because she owed him a foal. He never stopped loving her and probably never would fully. Ylva was winning him over slowly so at least it might assist him in moving on. Maybe this was entirely a bad idea because he still had feelings for her. He also did not know how she'd take him sending Nattergal to the Lagoon. Would she of agreed with the move?

Then there was Wren and Belikov now stuck over on the Ridge. well he wasn't about to let Bjorn get away with that. No he may not be able to retrieve those two but he would take something else from him much like he did when Zjeena had been taken. He didn't know if it would work to get Wren home sooner but he needed Bjorn to know he wasn't fooling around. He had visited Wren and Belikov every day since their departure. Keeping his bond with the two of them strong. Today's visit would have to wait though. He needed to see if Zjeena would show today. He hoped Bjorn wouldn't force Wren to carry, Wren had told him before that she did not wish to have another foal.

He paced the beach for two reasons today, hoping Wren and Belikov might be released and for Zjeena. The others were further inland today grazing. The weather on Tinuvel was changing fast and the cold air was here. His fur was already beginning to grow in. If she did not show within the next hour he would head to the ridge to visit Wren and Belikov


html by sabrina


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