The Lost Islands


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the song was upside-down

There isn't much of the word that these two yearlings have seen, but it will take a lot to top the breathtaking view they drink in now. The fine mist around the falls shimmers in gold and rainbows and every beauty is reflected in their starry eyes.

They admire in silence for a few moments that stretch like ages, and then Kendry asks Havelle a question she's been asking herself since she left the Bay to go on this mission. "I don't know." She confesses. "I'll stay in the Bay with father for now, but I wonder if he might trade me off for an alliance." Apprehension takes wing inside her. Liland holds her fate. She only hopes they have enough of a relationship that he considers her feelings before pawning her off to some strange stallion or another. "It's up to him, what happens to me, I guess. I just hope he doesn't make me do anything I don't want to do." Havelle's words are heavy with concern, but she holds on to hope that Liland isn't the tyrant some say he is, that he will choose compassion for a daughter he holds dear.

As Havelle's words hang heavy between them, Nattergal chooses to depart. He takes ginger steps down the rocky slope towards the base of the falls. He needs a drink, and then they should move on. He's made Liland wait. Now the sooner he arrives at the Lagoon, the sooner he can begin training, and the sooner he can be free of all these painful feelings Havelle stirs up in him.

Havelle, seeing her brother take such a treacherous path, calls out. "Nattergal, be careful!" She dodges around Kendry and follows her brother down the slope. It seems like all she's done since they were small, is chase Nattergal. Soon she'll miss the chase, and wonder how he's doing without her to look out for him every step of the way.

Nattergal & Havelle
1 Year, ♂ & ♀️, Fjord, Dun, Sabrina

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