The Lost Islands

daylight, i dream of you softly


The corners of Ylva’s mouth turn upward in a gentle smile at Liland’s reply, but this smile melts away into a sheepish expression when he poses her with a question. Ylva averts her eyes for a moment to stare out at the churning grey sea, as the brisk ocean breeze whips fiercely at her mane. She wonders how honest she should be with Liland. She wants to be a good Queen for him - so, naturally, she doesn’t want to admit any doubts to him - but then, how will they grow closer if she can’t be honest with him?

Her eyes find his again, and though uncertainty sits like a rock in her chest, she pushes past it, forcing her tongue to form the words she is afraid to speak out loud. “Truthfully?” she says in a small voice, and her eyes wander again. “I’m not sure if I ever will. I could never have imagined I’d be in a position like this. But I’m trying my best. I want to make you and the herd proud.”

She offers Liland a smile, and remembers back to his speech to the herd, where he had granted her all the same rights and responsibilities that he has. In spite of his words, Ylva still doesn’t feel like his equal, but she can’t tell if this is her own doing or not. Liland has given her the freedom to do what she wants with her role, so she supposes it must be. She cannot help feeling inferior, however, when she sees Liland leave so frequently on business she knows nothing about. Perhaps it’s time to change that, if she’s truly to be his equal, and a good Queen.

“How have things been with you? I hope you haven’t been getting into too much mischief,” she manages to tease him shyly. “And I noticed Rayna hasn’t been around lately. Is everything okay with her?”

4; norwegian fjord; red dun pangare; 14hh
mother of harley quinn, joker, & torsten

html, image, & character by shiva


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