The Lost Islands

The Moors of my father

He was a little over excited to meet someone new that he hadn't really heard a whole lot that she had said. His ears temporarily go back at her response but he shakes his head nad lets his ears go forward as he eagerlys asks to show her around. But then she just says she wants to go home. Oh... OkayHe says unable to hold the dissappointment back from his voice. He had really hoped to show her around, maybe play a little but she does not want to so he supposed he should oblige and take her home.Its this way I believehe said with less enthusiasm then when he first came tdown to meet her. Why be happy and excited if they were only goiing to part ways.It will take a half hour to walk thereHe said as he walked back past her. His ears were forward now as he walked along a path his father used a lot. They may even run into his father, but they may not who knew. He knew it was the safest route to take though.

                • |x| -

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