The Lost Islands

The ways of life

She gets to her feet her breathing heavy.I come find you? I make the arderous swim for you to just turn me away? Your a coward. I would of had to swim from island to island just to find you! I only came here because I heard a war was going on and I figured that you might be in the middle of it. If i had shown up here right now calmly you would of told me I had to wait, well I am not waiting. I will not leave the forest till someone comes with me back to the ridge whether its you or that stallion or that mare I kicked at earlier I don't really care any more. She said shaking her head.

She stood talll now her neck arched and chin pulled to her chest. She shakes her head.I am not leaving, you come with me to meet your granddaughter and be around her for a few days or im staying right here till your ready to stop being a coward. I am not making this swim again its too difficult and my decision won't have changed. Even if i left and came back it would be to tell you t o come back to the ridge not talk I don't need to talk thats not why I came! She said. She would not leave without someone she didn't care who it was at all. But someone was coming with her. Perhaps she'll find a foal and steal them just to make her mother come.


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