The Lost Islands


So you'll seperate a son from his mother? a mother who has no intentions of having any more foals? You do realize that she will not be happy nor will I force my child to leave his mother. He may want to return home but I guarentee you he doesn't want to leave his mother. As much as I want my son back I will not break Wren's heart either. You send him to the lagoon and you will break her heart too and Im pretty sure Cullen will give him back to me since I have already sent him one of my sons so you just be wasting your time. You have made enemies everywhere you are going, your turning into me before I made the decision to join forces with stronger stallions. So here my deal, ask Wren if Belikov wants to return if she'll allow it and you will send a mare with him that will join my herd then we can not be fighting each other. So long as I do not recieve a mare we will be enemies and I will come for Wren. Make a wise choice here because I am allies with the ones you use to be allied with and that includes Cullen and the Lagoon.


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