The Lost Islands

somebody shine a light


Rowena is turning Elvira away for one reason and one reason only. It's all in the way Elvira has attempted to get Rowena to come visit. All Elvira had to do was ask, and Rowena would have been there, perhaps with an escort and guarantee of safe haven from Osiris, but she would have been there. After this encounter, it will take a lot to mend their relationship and get Rowena to visit of her own free will.

"Coward? You're calling me a coward? This, coming from the eight year old who can't survive without mommy. Right now, I'm ashamed to call you my daughter." Rowena never thought she would say something like this to any of her children, but here she is, saying those words with every honesty. And it's not just that Elvira is needy, that she could tolerate, but the disrespect gives rise to a whole new level of disappointment.

Rowena never saw Elvira kick at any mare, so she has no idea what Elvira is talking about. Not much Elvira has said this night has made any sense, so she doesn't question it. "Wait as long as you like, but if your attitude doesn't change, you're going to be waiting a long time." Rowena states plainly. This time, she doesn't have to shout over the noise of war. Fighting can still be heard, but smaller skirmishes continue to break away from the crowd at the center of it all. Rowena notes that Dances is gone with the foal he was protecting. She hopes nothing bad happened to them while she was distracted by Elvira. If anything happened to Dances because of Elvira, Elvira can forget forgiveness.

Rowena doesn't have time for this. There are more important matters to tend to. With one last frustrated snort, she spins on her heel and takes off into the forest, the blackness of her coat melding with the darkness.

OOC: I'm pulling Rowena out of this thread to continue with some other plots of hers. If you want to have Elvira take someone, it will have to be done somehow via the battle board, or maybe work it out with whoever plays whatever other character Elvira wants to take.

15 years, ♀, EE aa nSb, 15.2 hh, Sabrina

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