The Lost Islands

the wolf feeds in the forest

Each passing day grows the loneliest feeling inside Havelle. She spends her days surrounded by others so she is never truly alone, but oh how it feels that way. Without her mother, without her brother, and with Liland often off on one mission or another, Havelle is left without a listening ear or shoulder to lean on.

Ylva is ever present, gently guiding the herd from one place of grazing to another, like her mother once used to. Maybe this is why Havelle can't seem to tear down the walls she's built between them. It feels too much like Zjeena has been replaced, and that hurts too much to think about.

Her father's return pricks her ears and draws her eyes towards the sound of his call. A curiosity rises when Havelle realizes he's not alone. The filly makes a motion to greet them, but the lead mare is the first to step out. Havelle hesitates, her curiosity warring with her aversion for Ylva.

Havelle takes a few steps, but Ylva's cheerful greeting grates like sandpaper on her nerves. The filly's ears draw back and her nostrils wrinkle without her realizing it. She drops her head to graze again, and edges closer, trying to get a read on the newcomer, without stepping into their circle.

1 Year, ♀️, Fjord, Dun EE Aa Dd, 14.1 Hands, Sabrina


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