I'm frozen to the bones%01 I am... - " />
The Lost Islands

I'm frozen to the bones, I am...

~ where innocences burn in flames.

He waits for her to retaliate. From the moment they had met, she had approached him with malice and distrust. Never even giving him a chance nor getting to know him. But as they stand here, her ears appear from within her mane as she looks at him. He can see the heartache in her eyes and hear it in her voice.

"Thats not true," he muses aloud. "You want Elerona," he says, his voice louder this time.

"I am unsure of why you have even come here. I asked for everyone to remain in the Ridge for their safety. And now here I am chasing after you to bring you home, putting everyone at home in danger because of rash and emotional decisions," he chastises but his words soften slightly toward the end.

He dares to step closer with cautious steps. "You are needed at home."

Björn - Icelandic mutt - 10 years old - Grullo Sabino
Bera Konung of the Ridge

html, art & character © erin | pixel base © fintron


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