The Lost Islands

We run the world {Herd}

This life was hard he had always known this and he hated rushing out of the commons. It be nice to just spend sometime with the mares and get to know them better first. But with the fear of Rougaru coming and flirting with the girls to try and lure them away from him didn't sit well with him. Rougaru may be leaving him and his herd alone but he definietly was making sure Liland didn't forget him. So he told Grier she was coming to the bay with him but if like Pidgeon at the end of fall she decided it wasn't fit for her he would not force her to stay here.

He turns to face her after a little walk inland so she could now rest from the long adeerous journey across the ocean. His ears on her as he gives out a call to announce his return. However, he keeps his attention on Grier. She asks him if he has any young running around that brings a smile to his lips.I do, I have few weanlings and a yearling living here as well. I have a couple yearlings now living other places as well. And I have at least one young one coming in the spring to a mare of another land. She'll be living here temporarily in the spring when the young one is born.He said calmly. He hated that he had to do this with Zjeena but he felt slighted even if he had been becoming alright with her having Rougaru foal she hadn't given him long enough time to recover before all hell broke loose. But this would be the last time Zjeena would live in the bay with him. Not that she couldn't visit the herd and foals when ever she pleased. There are only a couple stallions that you need to wary of when it comes to living here, luckily they don't live on this island but their names are Bjorn and Rougaru, More so Rougaru. I want to believe he will leave us alone but I just want you to be aware of these stallions. We just don't get alonghe said. He wouldn't say anything bad about them. It would be her choice if she ever runs into them to decide what she thinks of them but hopefully if she does plan on staying here he hopes she would remain loyal to him. I am sure my lead mare Ylva will show up at some point and perhaps my daughter Havelle as well. There is another new mare here by the name of Pidgeon she too may come along. There is also Talien and our daughter Amber Rose, my son Belikov his mother and him originally were stolen from us and his mother has chosen to remain with Bjorn but Belikov chose to return. He probably won't approach you right now he is not himself and is very upset over this. Then there is Belshazar my last born son of last season, he has been raised between Talien and Wren as his mother passed away at birth. The two who are not living here is Belshazar older sister and my heir Rayna she is living in Shore with a mare named Xiomara to learn and cope with the loss of her mother. And Nattergal twin to Havelle he is currently living in the Lagoon He said and then finally stopped talking so she could take it all in.


html by sabrina


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