The Lost Islands

daylight, i dream of you softly


When Liland begins to groom her, Ylva’s heart leaps into her throat at the sudden physical contact, but she pushes on, doing her best to give the impression of a calm and relaxed mare as she explains how she feels about her role as Queen. The gentle, soothing scrape of teeth against her skin pauses as Liland replies, and his words warm her to the core. A small smile curls the corner of her lips.

“Thank you,” she says in a quiet voice, and then the conversation turns, with her enquiring after his wellbeing, and of Rayna’s. In the brief pause after her question, Ylva finds the courage to return Liland’s favor. She gently grooms his withers and shoulder as he talks, and despite her initial nerves, she finds herself relaxing into the repetitive movements, enjoying the scent and closeness of Liland’s warm body, which acts as somewhat of a buffet against the brisk sea wind.

His initial words give her pause, however. She knows it is the way of the world for stallions to compete over mares, but it worries her that Liland has no qualms over making enemies. Ylva has had her share of being treated like chattel, and she does not care for it. All she wants is peace and happiness for their herd, and to be surrounded by horses she loves and trusts, but that seems unlikely if Liland continues to get himself into trouble. Their blissful little bubble, she feels, will eventually be popped.

Ylva says nothing, however, letting her mind wander as Liland talks about Rayna. She has stopped grooming him now, and looks out at the ocean beyond. “That will be good for her,” she says, but her mind is elsewhere - that is, until his body shifts beside her and she feels his face against her neck. Then he is saying unexpected things: things that make her go cold all over, then hot. Her heart is like a jackhammer in her chest as she tilts her head so that they are cheek-to-cheek, her nose resting gently against the soft curve of his throat. She can’t quite believe that this moment is really happening, but here it is. Here they are.

Her breath is fast and shallow, her stomach doing flips as she opens her mouth to respond. “Liland, I… I feel the same way. I just…” And with that, she pulls away, avoiding his eyes, her head hanging low. She can feel the past sitting like a rock in her chest, threatening to climb out of her throat and swallow her and every good thing in her life. She thinks of Warsaw, of that terrible night… of every terrible experience she has ever had with a stallion, or with life in general. Her luck has not been the best, to put it lightly, and though she is the most at peace she’s ever been now, she can still feel those old traumas lurking, whispering to her that they will happen again.

Still avoiding Liland’s eyes, Ylva continues in a soft murmur. “I just… I worry. About us, about the herd…” She forces herself to turn, to meet his eyes, though she can feel emotion threatening to choke her. “I think… I think it would help me if… if maybe we talked about things before you do them. I would like very much for us to be a team, and for… maybe for something more… maybe even, one day, a child of our own, but first… I would like to help you more, to feel like I matter, like I’m more than just a figurehead. Does that make sense? I’m not making sense, am I...”

Ylva averts her eyes again, quickly lowering her head to rub a stray tear against her knee. She feels stupid, like she shouldn’t have anything at all, and in that moment she wants nothing more than to let the sea swallow her.

4; norwegian fjord; red dun pangare; 14hh
mother of harley quinn, joker, & torsten

html, image, & character by shiva


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