~ where innocences burn in flames. - " />
The Lost Islands


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~ where innocences burn in flames.

~ where innocences burn in flames.

"Sigurðr," he whispers the name of his boy into the still autumn air. With each stroke he brings himself closer to the crossing. Soon, Ysabel will have gathered her strength and they will wreak havoc on the Lagoon. She had told him of what Cullen and Raider had done, and he will insure that they both will pay for their trespass.

He steps from the bubbling surf, the water runs in rivulets off of his coat and returns to the sea. With confidence, the Bera Konung strolls through the long grasses that now yellow and grow brittle with each passing day. A soft breeze ruffles his unkempt onyx locks, pushing it off of his muscular neck. He does not slow until he is near to the commons as a plan begins to form in his head. His glacial eyes narrow on a young gilded mare. It is not her fault that she came to the wrong place at the wrong time. And then as if the Norns favor him today, another joins her.

Desperate times call for desperate measures. His ears disappear into his thick mane as he launches himself toward the pair of mares. As he nears them, he drops his head toward the earth and his teeth snap together with a resounding pop. "One of you is coming with me," he growls as he moves to heard the gilded one. He hates to do this, but his sons life is on the line.


Björn - Icelandic mutt - 10 years old - Grullo Sabino
Bera Konung of the Ridge

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