The Lost Islands

We run the world

ooc: Herd you can jump in when ever you can :P

Liland felt like his time as lead was going to be coming to an end soon. The burden was becoming to great for him and it killed him a litltle every time. He was trying to hold out long enough that Rayna would be old enough and also have learned enough from Xiomara but he did not know. This mare he felt bad cause he rushed her here but he was growing ever more fearful of remaining in the commons with mares.

He listens to her and dipps his head.I do and im sure they'll be here shortlyHe said calmly. She then asks about Ylva and he smiles at it.She is, she is young and very kind. She is new to her role but prooving to me every day that I made the right choiceHe said dipping his head. Her build is similar to mineHe said.


html by sabrina


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