The Lost Islands

Until the ashes of eden fall


He knew the answer before she said it, but he wished it wasn't true. Rayna was special to him. She had a lot of stories about mom, some even father didn't have about growing up under her care. Rayna might not be fully grown, but at least she got passed the point of weaning with mother. Rayna didn't always give him the sad look father did. He hated that sad look! Rayna hugs him, pulls him close, as she says the words.

She said she had a lot to learn and then begins lipping at his rogue forelock. She asks how he has been behaving and he sighs. "You would know if you were here..." He begins in a smart alike fashion, but shakes his head and takes a step away from her. "I just really miss you sis. Why do you have to train so hard? Why can't you just learn from father here in the Bay?" He didn't understand the reasoning behind learning from this stranger on another island.

He snorts, pushing a puff of air from his lungs. The island would soon grow colder and he would have to survive a winter without his sister. He wasn't sure he was ready for that, but at least he had the herd mares who have helped raise him.

Until the ashes of eden fall


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