The Lost Islands


Force-claiming is allowed here once a week per character, as is blocking force-claims by the Peak/Lagoon (as a whole) once a week. Rollover is on Sundays.

Why is all the rum gone? {Block}

Raider was really starting to loose his mind. He has knocked up two mares currently one he currently had holed up in the lagoon as his trinket. He knew she'd make an escape attempt soon enough but what ever. He was pretty sure she carried his seed so it didn't matter much. It was time to travel the lands again to see if he could find other mares. He wanders his mind running a mile a minute.

He watches a stallion make a move on a mare and he watches for a moment before smirking and galloping straight down to them making to slide right on up to them and gave the mare her space but didn't care how close he was to the stallion.Now now boy, Forcing a claim on such a pretty mare? Too bad I am here to put an end to that nonesenseHe said with a snare.

He was young sure but he was the general of the lagoon and a bit crazy.Sure he still acted on his hormone but he cared little for his own safety. He had plenty of scars and even wounds not healed from Khar and from the war. He turns his butt toward the stallion and give little warning bucks before moving a way.My name is Raider a stallion of the lagoon. You now have your free choice to go where ever you wish and be with who ever you wantHe said with a smirk as he looked back at the stallion. One ear on him the other on the mare.
html by sabrina


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