The Lost Islands

Devil's gonna get you if I don't first

He didn't have many wounds from battle yet, but some did mark his hide. There were the hooves of Bahadir upon his skin as he took Shyadowfax from him. Then there were the teeth of Shaydowfax as she turned his deal deed against him and fought him for his home. Losing to the Lusitano mare was enough to make him want bloodshed, but at least he was able to make a deal for her to take over the Cove instead. Requiem wasn't exactly happy, but he did mention not wanting to be a lead stallion for the rest of his life. Warsaw had to get back to the war or he would have stayed behind to make sure Shaydowfax's life turned sour, but he would deal with that after the Forest learned their lesson. Some wounds from the stallion Ruger also mark his hide from taking Evanescence from him, but that was all pay back for taking Celestria last year.

He had yet to find Persephone so it was important he returned started the main brawl to this war so he swims back from Tinuvel to Luthien. Back home he has just taken Echo and his son to safety, but she did not yet know who he was. She would surely freak out to find her rapist was the one who saved her from the war and that he was successful at getting close to his son. Little Eastwise had some of his overo patterns, even the bald face, and his black coat was once the exact same Warsaw sported as a young colt. It was getting harder to tell he used to be such a dark-colored character now that his dapples were almost all faded away and his skin was becoming a white grey. Only his dark hair remains behind in remembrance.

He could smell the scent of old blood and horses as he stalks through the trees. Night had fallen upon the Forest once more, the sounds of the war were calming, but it was far from over. Things could not be finished until he had a chance to attack Persephone and make his point heard. Until that time came, he would keep attacking the Forest members and take captives as he found them. There was a small group up ahead, he knew who they were by their scents. Hannah was a mare he took captive months before this war started. Raping her was his final message to Persephone that he was serious, but the Forest Queen didn't budge. Seems she found someone else to keep her bed warm.

He spies the sleeping family near the Thicket, but he keeps his distance until morning came the next night. He needs his rest from the swim anyway so he was fine with starting his ambush after a few hours of shut-eye. Various cries of battle stirred him awake. Warsaw stood leaning against a tree as he slept, but now he straightens himself up to proceed with his next plan of action. He could guess how badly Hannah wanted to get a hold of him, but he only wanted to get hold of the twins she bore. A proven broad mare she seems to be, but he was no longer interested in messing with her that way. She was an attractive thing, but the same mare every time got boring sometimes.

Warsaw quietly advances towards the group, who are now alert by the sounds going on around them. Hannah stood further away from her children so it is her he comes upon first. "Happy to see me?" He says as he makes his presence known to her. A sly smirk spreads across his lips as his dark eyes bore into her gaze. She looked as if she was ready to take him on, but she was sadly mistaken.

Devil's gonna get you if I don't first
html by castlegraphics; art by Charlie2218


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